Sunday, July 24, 2011

July 23, 2011

Yesterday, I was not actually in Lincoln for much of the day.  Early in the morning, I headed for Omaha with my mom and sister.  There's a possibility that I will be visiting a friend there in a couple weeks, so I wanted to have at least a little experience before taking on that challenge.  I know it sounds pathetic, but before yesterday I hadn't been to Omaha for about five years and I had never driven there myself.  The exits and extensive use of Interstate was definitely new to me. Besides my intense confusion while first entering Omaha, it wasn't horrible.  It's definitely a place you have to drive around in a lot before you fully grasp what is going on.  Anyway, continuing the story, while we were in Omaha, I had the opportunity to visit with my cousins and uncle, and to have my uncle drive my mom and me around various parts of Omaha.  I saw UNO for the first time, got a sense of where my friend's apartment is located, and got to walk through the Old Market (which is basically a larger version of the Haymarket in Lincoln).  Overall, it was a really nice, informative day.  It was really nice to see so many family members and to get to Omaha for the first time in so long.

I'm not sure what the weather was like in Lincoln yesterday, but I would assume that it was similar to Omaha.  It was supposed to be clear and reach 99 degrees yesterday, but cloud cover and showers kept it cool for much of the day.  Around 3 p.m. or so, it became a little sunnier and hotter, but it was not as near as bad as the forecast had predicted.  Even around 4:30 p.m. when we got back to Lincoln, it was cloudy with lingering showers.  After my mom and sister took off for GI, it actually cleared off quite a bit.  I took the opportunity to walk around campus (I didn't dare venture downtown on a Saturday night), and it was actually fairly comfortable.  I even had a chance to take the sunset photos shown above.  They're nothing spectacular, but it was the first decent sunset I've had a chance to photograph all summer!  

Finally, the night ended with me hanging out in my dorm room, watching 100 Greatest Artists on VH1, and going to bed.  All in all, it was a productive, fun day off of work/class!

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