Friday, July 15, 2011

July 15, 2011

Today was pretty similar to yesterday...except hotter.  Once again, I went for a walk late morning/early afternoon, and by the time I got back, the t-shirt I was wearing was a completely different color due to my profuse sweating.  I'm not sure exactly how high the actual temperature got today, but I know the heat index was around 115 to 120 late this afternoon.  Fun.  Unfortunately, there is no end in sight.  Looking at the extended forecast, it's supposed to be near the triple digits and humid for at least the next week.  I hope we don't all melt.

On the bright side, today was Friday, meaning I don't have to go to class tomorrow.  It's not that my class is hard, it's that it's at such an annoying time of day (right in the middle of the afternoon).  It's nice to not have my day broken in half for once.  I'll also get to sleep in a bit and see my family tomorrow, so that's always a plus.  Anyway, I have about 30 to 45 minutes of my desk shift left.  Hopefully, it won't be raining on me when I leave.  There have been some nasty little isolated thunderstorms in random spots of Nebraska tonight.  Nothing too severe, but still not something I'd be happy to walk home in.  Even if it isn't storming, it's still uncomfortable outside.  I just checked a few minutes ago, and now (after 11 p.m.) the heat index is still about 108!

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