Wednesday, July 13, 2011

July 12, 2011

I never thought I'd say this, but yesterday I was GLAD that it was cloudy (Picture 1).  When it's clear and excruciatingly hot/humid for days on end, sometimes it's nice to catch a break.  It was still a little sticky, in the morning and early afternoon, but it was windy and much cooler (upper 70's to lower 80's).  At one point there was even a brief rain shower.  I was actually indoors for most of the afternoon.  I had to go to a meeting to sign a few papers to formally accept my RA position, and after that I headed to class until four.  Fortunately, after that I was completely open.   I ate, hung around, and even went for an evening walk.  While I was away, the clouds broke (Picture 2), and it started to feel a little muggier outside.  Fortunately, it was late enough in the evening that the temperature couldn't make it too uncomfortable outside.  To the south (in Kansas) there were storms, which are the thunderheads that you see in a couple of the pictures.   The final picture shows the skyline around sunset.  A cloud bank came in from the north, and there were some cool cloud reflections and colors going on for awhile.

Other than that, I have little else to report.  I don't anticipate my Spanish 304 class being a huge problem, and otherwise it's just work as usual.  Tonight and tomorrow night I'm on duty, but my workload this week isn't as near as bad as some other people's.  That's all I have to report!

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