Sunday, June 5, 2011

June 5, 2011

Well, I can't say this is the most intriguing of skyline pictures. Once again, it is clear.  Fortunately, that haze seems to be gone and the sky is actually blue again.  It was pretty darn hot outside today, but not super humid.  I would guess that it got to about 91 or 92 at the hottest.  Tomorrow is supposed to be absolutely scorching at around 97 degrees.  Nebraska can be very odd sometimes.  A week or two ago, we were having temperatures well below normal, and now we're having above normal temperatures.  It generally gets hot in June, but I don't remember coming close to the triple digits until July last year.  Weird...

As usual, I am typing this on a shift.  I'm working a duty shift this time, so I get a break from being at a desk.  I figured out that I am on Day 6 of 13 consecutive days of working.  There's no such thing as "weekends" or "weekdays" with this job, so it's possible to work that many days in a row.  It's not so bad, though, because I mostly work at night.  My social life is extremely low key, so I don't care if I have to stay in on a Friday or Saturday night to work.  Anyway, today is also the end of my break from classes.  My first Spanish class starts tomorrow and will continue every day for the next five weeks.  Then, immediately after that, I will start another Spanish class that will go until mid-August.  I'll have about another week or so off, and then fall semester begins.  It's basically the same schedule I had last summer.  Oh, least I got a month off of school to let my brain atrophy a bit.

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