Saturday, June 25, 2011

June 25, 2011

The forecast was quite wrong...again.  It was supposed to be mostly cloudy with an 80% chance of rain today, but all of the rain occurred overnight and early this morning.  This forecast flub worked in my favor, though, because it allowed my sister, brother, and mom to make a quick trip to Lincoln.  It was extremely muggy, but there weren't any storms to interfere with travel.  It's the first time in a month I've seen anyone from my family, so it was great that the weather allowed them to come down. We got lunch, went to a few random stores around town, and went back to my dorm briefly.  It wasn't some fantastically fun-packed day, but it reminded me how much I miss being around my family sometimes. :( Fortunately, I won't have to wait long to see them again.  This Friday I will be leaving after class and heading straight for GI.  I have a stretch of about five days off of work and three days off of class, so I'm taking advantage of this window of opportunity.

Anyway, I'm working again, but my shift is nearly over!  Yay!  Today was the last official day of the International Thespian Festival, so tonight and tomorrow UNL will have a tremendous amount of people leaving campus.  "Hell Week" is over for my coworkers.  I can't say it was really "Hell Week" for me because I learned from last year and didn't take as near as many hours...  I want to make money, but some things--like sleep and sanity--are more valuable to me than a paycheck.

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