Sunday, June 19, 2011

June 19, 2011

Twas another nice day in Lincoln, NE.  I got up at the crack of done (4:55 a.m. to be exact) to go to my shift.  In the five-minute walk to work, my hair curled like crazy from the 95% humidity.  However, I could tell through the windows near the desk that the sky was clearing and the fog was burning off as my shift wore on.  It was a quiet shift, but it allowed me to get a lot done.  I wrote a paper for my Spanish class, finished my Stephen King book, and had plenty of time to browse the internet.  Despite the fact that I got up so early and went to bed so late, I was strangely awake the entire day.  Even now, I'm not feeling as tired as I would have expected. I guess the four or five hours of sleep I did get were quality ones.

Other than my shift this morning, it was just another lazy Sunday.  A huge camp of approximately 3,000 people will be arriving on campus Monday and Tuesday, but today there were only a handful of buildings open.  My floor was pretty dead all day.  I think everyone was either catching up on rest to prepare for the upcoming week or out having some last minute fun.  Personally, I went for a couple walks outside in the 85 degree heat, watched a couple more episodes of Dexter, and now I'm watching a new episode of Bridezillas (that's quality TV, right there).  I plan to turn in for the night fairly soon, but there's a good chance storms will wake me up at some point.  We just missed some nasty storms to the south, and I have been able to see lightning in that direction for the past hour.  As for my family in GI, there appear to be some wicked blobs of red on radar approaching them from the west.  The whole state of Nebraska is lit up with tornado and thunderstorm warnings right now.  We might be in for an eventful night...

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