Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June 21, 2011

So, the weather today was a little irritating at times, but I have to say, the sky was really interesting the entire day.  It was particularly cool in the morning.  The first shot above is from when I woke up around 8:30 a.m.  There were low hanging fly clouds all over the place, and there were patches of blue sky.  Then, as shown in the second photo, there were a bunch of unusual dark clouds that came in about a half hour later around 9:00 a.m.  These clouds were really bizarre because you felt like you should see under and past them.  I could almost see where the clouds ended (not too far south of Lincoln), and you could see rain shafts from showers that were far in the distance.  It was extremely unusual and interesting.    As for the rest of the day, it was mostly cloudy (but the clouds were always intriguing) and it sprinkled/misted off and on.  I managed to fit in a walk during the brief period of time the sun was out, and it really wasn't too bad outside.  I don't mind the cooler weather, it's the rain that depresses me a bit.  There was no heavy rain or anything severe, however, so today was uneventful in that respect.  Tomorrow should be a good day (IF the forecast is correct): 76 and partly cloudy.  That's my kind of day.

Anyway, I'm currently working at duty shift.  I'm on security detail right now.  I'm playing "bouncer" until curfew.  I'm hoping it's not too long of a night...  Well, I don't really have anything else too exciting to share!  I will see you on the morrow!

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