Saturday, May 28, 2011

May 28, 2011

The picture above shows you the scene that I woke up to this morning: wet sidewalks, strange patches of blue sky and sunlight, and an even stranger haze lingering in the air in Lincoln.  Much to my surprise, when I ventured outside later that morning, the air was not thick with humidity.  It wasn't muggy at all, and the air was cooler than I expected.  I know for a fact that the humidity was fairly low because my hair didn't curl when I went outside (that's right, I use my hair to measure relative humidity).

Speaking of hair, I had nothing going on this morning, so I decided to head over to the nearest hair salon for a few touch-ups.  I had my bangs trimmed up and the sides of my hair evened out.  One side has been longer than the other since January, and cutting it myself wasn't the best idea I've ever had.  I got it to the right length, but you could still tell that something was off.  I also had my first all-over color.  I've been trying since last fall to phase out all of the blonde highlights in my hair, which left me with two-tone hair: dark roots and bright ends.  We found a color that matched my roots almost perfectly and dyed it all.  It wasn't super cheap to get the cut and color, but I figure I'll save more money down the road (no root touch-ups to worry about) and won't look so white trash if I neglect my hair color for too long.  The difference is fairly subtle, so I'm not going to mention my dye job to any of my coworkers just to see how observant they are.  They'd have to have a pretty keen eye to pick up on the differences.  I went from sort of blonde to sort of brunette, so it's not incredibly obvious.

Anyway, back to the weather for moment.  The rest of the day looked exactly like the picture above (minus the haze).  It was a great day, honestly.  Good temperature, quite a bit of sun, and not too windy.  I won't make it outside again tonight because I am on duty in a nearly empty building.  We literally have a 1:1 staff to guest ratio right now, so it should be a quiet night for me.  Tomorrow I work at the desk in this same building, and then it is off to GI for the weekend.  It'll be my last chance to jet home before my schedule prevents me from doing so.  I am pretty much booked solid for the entire month of June between classes and work.  It should be pretty hectic.  Well, this has become a pretty long, TMI kind of post, so I guess I'll wrap it up for now.  Goodnight!

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