Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 16, 2010

I woke up to clear sky and warm weather. The morning was really nice and uneventful (but already hot), so after class I decided to take a walk around campus and downtown Lincoln. Around the time I reached the Capitol Building I noticed that the clouds to the south were looking just a little sketchy. They were quite blue and the white clouds on top looked suspiciously like thunderheads. At that point I began heading back towards campus, and noticed with a little concern that the dark clouds were following me. By the time I returned to my dorm, black clouds were hovering over campus. I imagine I could have gotten some cool pictures of this storm coming in if I had been in my room the entire time.

This storm wouldn't have concerned me too much, except my 45+ coworkers and I had to be at a meeting across campus in 15 minutes. I could see that there was rain in this storm (see pic 2), and on radar there was a teeny dot of red passing through Lincoln. About two minutes after I took the second picture, the downpour began and downtown disappeared. At that point I went down to the lounge to see what my coworkers were planning to do. A bunch of us ended up carpooling, but we still got soaked running out to the parking lot. The coolest (and strangest) thing about the storm was that it turned into a sun shower. The sky above us was perfectly clear and blue, but somehow it was still pouring...

The fourth pic was taken two hours later after my staff meeting, but it is an accurate representation of what the skyline looked like only two minutes after the torrential rain. Nebraska weather is so crazy.

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