Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July 14, 2010

Today the weather was...disgusting. It was in the 90's and the humidity was through the roof. I went for a brief walk outside (maybe for about an hour in the late morning), and by the time I got back to my dorm room it looked like someone had poured a bucket of water over my head. Everyone I talked to said that they felt like taking a shower every time they stepped outside. It was just really gross weather.

The best part of the day was when the storms came in around 7:30 p.m. It provided some excitement that has been lacking in the weather recently. There was no hail, but it rained extremely hard and the wind blew like no other. I also got to watch about 10 of my coworkers play outside in the pouring rain (and lightning). Not for me, but very entertaining to see.

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