Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Spain/Italy Trip (Part 8)

Alright, so this post covers the last day of actual touring.  It was our second day in Rome, in which we primarily went to the Vatican.

I was pretty excited to go to the Vatican just because it's so world famous and because it's technically it's own "country".  Also, I'm not Catholic, but a lot of people on my dad's side of the family are, so I was excited to get some pictures and maybe souvenirs for them.  As an interesting side note, the Virgin Mary pedestal thingy and the rosary I bought for my grandpa in Rome were both made of wood and both in his kitchen, which caught fire a couple days ago.  I found out yesterday that they were both still in their paper envelopes in the kitchen, but had not caught fire at all...  Interesting....  Maybe a little Vatican magic? ;)

The Vatican was very interesting, but one thing that ruined the experience slightly was that there were SO MANY PEOPLE.  Nowhere in Spain was as godawful touristy as the Vatican.  You were packed into tiny hallways like sardines, so it was hard to even keep up with your tour guide or hear what they are saying.  That being said, it was still impressive and very cool.  St. Peter's Basilica was incredible.  Just when I thought a church couldn't get any bigger...

We were a little smarter about how we "beat the heat" on our second day in Rome.  We brought water along and tried to sit down in the shade as often as we possibly could.  I still felt uncomfortably hot, but I didn't feel like I was getting heatstroke again.

Below are a few pictures from my Vatican experience.

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