Thursday, June 30, 2011

June 30, 2011

Remarkably, we have reached the last day of June.  This month has been so incredibly busy between my classes and work that time has flown by like you wouldn't believe.  Not only was it the last day of June, but it was the first truly hot month of the year.  I'm not sure if we broke into the triple digits today, but it was definitely up there.  I went for a walk downtown, and I saw on a digital sign that it was 98 degrees.  Fortunately, there was a strong wind and it was dry heat, so it didn't actually feel as bad as it could have. Even though the heat wasn't that bad, it motivated me to stay inside for a good part of the afternoon to work ahead on homework.  I didn't have to work today, so I had no distractions, and I was able to accomplish a great deal.  My last week of class will be considerably less stressful because of the time I put in today.

Anyway, a few minutes ago, I had showered, was watching Conan, and was preparing to blog before I hit the sack when I heard some very odd noises.  I heard loud noises that sounded like they were coming from the roof.  I was a little alarmed at the thought that someone was walking around on top of a ten story building, and I looked out my window in search of an explanation.  I discovered that the source of the strange booms was actually a fireworks display!  I had no idea that there was going to be any kind of show this early or this close.  I'm not exactly sure of the origin of the fireworks, but it seemed like they were coming from the parking lot on the north side of Memorial Stadium.  It was a pleasant little surprise that has made me even more excited for my Independence Day weekend.  Tomorrow I'm going to class and then I'm gettin' outta dodge for the weekend.

Oh, one last thing.  Here's a short, shaky video of the fireworks display:

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