Sunday, June 12, 2011

June 12, 2011

As I said earlier today (when I wrote the post for June 11), I woke up today after a refreshing 12-hour sleep.  I know some people live by the saying, "You can sleep when you're dead," but I tend to disagree.  Not getting enough sleep seems like a great way to expedite death...

Anyway, it was a lovely day in Lincoln, Nebraska.  Once again, the weather was the "perfect" temperature.  It was a tad windy, but not enough to bother me.  I guess it stormed overnight, but seeing as I was comatose, I didn't hear it.  The only evidence of precipitation was a little humidity in the air when I walked outside this morning.  You couldn't really feel moisture in the air, but my hair curled, which is always a clue.  The skies were also less boring today, as you can see from the picture.  Today was a perfect example of what is (in my opinion) the best kind of "cloudy" day.

Finally, the most glorious part of the day is the fact that I am working the final day of my long streak of work days!  Tomorrow I have my first day off in two weeks and I get to hang out with an old friend for the first time in about three years.  I'm looking forward to it immensely!

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