Saturday, August 6, 2011

August 5, 2011

Well, here is a nice gloomy picture to round out the second summer of the Lincoln "Skyline" Project.  I woke up briefly to go downstairs and clock out, and this is what I saw out the window.  On radar there was a ton of rain, which gave me even more incentive to go back to sleep for a couple hours.  I got up for good a couple hours later.  By then, the rain had stopped and I could move completely over to my academic year room.  I was completely out of there before lunch, but I didn't officially check out until after class.  Speaking of class, except for a couple little outside homework assignments, I am done with class.  I won't be able to attend the last four days due to RA training.  I can't say I'm disappointed.  I liked my teacher, but the class itself was a joke.  I'll be really annoyed if I get anything less than an "A" for a grade.

Anyway, after officially checking out of my old dorm and into my new one, I spontaneously decided to go home before training.  I had nothing going on today, and training doesn't start until 1 p.m. on Sunday, so I thought it would be a good time to fly home quick.  Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have been able to get home to see my family or my dog until sometime in September, and I didn't want to go 2+ months without a home visit.  So, I embarked on a bizarre journey home.  First, sudden downpour right outside of Lincoln obscured everyone's vision so much that we all had to slow down to about 35 mph.  Second, random closing of the right lane caused backups and near-accidents.  Third, a really annoying semi was tailgating me for about half of the trip home.  Fourth, I had to avoid a turtle--yes, a TURTLE--that was crossing Highway 281 on my way into Grand Island.  Fortunately, despite many of these strange obstacles, I got home in one piece.  Now, I have a brief break before heading back for hardcore RA training for the next ten days...

In conclusion, it was another interesting summer.  Unfortunately, there were not as near as many thunderhead or storm pictures as I expected.  I had hoped for some good cloud pictures or an occasional hail storm to talk about, but it was an extremely boring summer for severe weather.  So, I apologize for the lack of variety in my pictures and my constant complaints about heat/humidity.  I would have loved to complain about wicked storms or tornadoes instead, but that just wasn't possible this year.  Anyway, I won't be posting daily anymore.  My academic year view is of a somewhat unattractive parking lot, which is a step up from last year, but nowhere near as cool as my summer view.  I may post an interesting weather or landscape picture from time to time, but I'm not sure if this blog will return for a third year.  It all depends on my employment plans for next summer.

Well, it's been fun.  I'll be back next year (maybe).

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