Wednesday, July 20, 2011

July 20, 2011

I knew I wasn't imagining the drop in humidity.  Today was another baking hot day, but it just didn't feel as bad as the weekend.  I'm pretty sure it got over 100 degrees, but, like yesterday, it wasn't as unpleasant.  It's about 7:30 p.m. now, and I just checked the weather.  It's about 98.5 degrees, but the heat index is 93 and the humidity is 11%.  For a while there, I thought I was just getting used to this wicked heat and humidity, but it as it turns out, the weather really has "improved."  

Anyway, I have little else to report.  Today was like any other, except I skipped my class.  I have staff meetings on Wednesdays that force me to leave class after only 15 minutes, and the stuff on the syllabus didn't seem too important, so I just didn't go.  The class is a joke as it is, but I hope the teacher (who is pretty laid back) didn't mind too much.  It's the first time I've missed a class of his this summer, so he has no right to get overly upset...  Well, that's all I've got.  Tomorrow we're supposed to have a chance of rain and a massive cool-down ("only" 90 degrees!), so that might shake things up a bit.  The forecast still calls for nothing below 90 for the next few days, though, so summer isn't going anywhere yet.

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