Friday, February 3, 2012

February 3, 2012

Welcome to February in Nebraska...this year, at least.  It is raining in the middle of winter.  Granted, it's happened before, and it's supposed to turn into snow overnight, but no one can deny that it's weird.  This little weather system is the first sign of winter weather we've had around here in a long time.  A few days ago, it was 70 degrees and everyone on campus was wearing shorts to staff.  It's bizarre, but it's the best winter we've had in a long time...  I can definitely live with having weather this warm in the dead of winter.

Anyway, other than the weird weather, there's not a ton to talk about.  I've mostly been really busy with RA responsibilities, getting used to all of my new classes, interviewing people/preparing to be interviewed, etc.  My health has been moderately crappy this month, unfortunately.  I spent the few weeks generally not feeling well (random flu/colds), and then last Saturday I fainted in the shower, split open my chin, and cracked a molar.  Good times.  Fortunately, the fainting seems to have been a freak thing (it was the first--and hopefully the last--time I have ever fainted), and the stitches were removed from my chin just a couple hours ago.  My tooth is still a work in progress, but it'll get fixed eventually. 

My main focus for the next couple weeks will be midterms, job interviews, and other school/work-related duties.  I haven't spent any time at all on photography recently, which is very disappointing, but there also hasn't been much to photograph.  I like nature photography, and nothing is green or particularly attractive at this point in the year, so I guess I'm not missing much...  Well, with any luck I'll be able to gradually start posting more often again.  We'll just have to see.

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