Monday, April 11, 2016

April 11, 2016's been nearly 2 months since I last posted here.  Since that time, things have been pretty busy.  Parent-teacher conferences, spring break, the first three weeks of fourth quarter, house-hunting, dress fittings for the wedding, and on and on.  The thing that has been occupying the most of my time recently has been surviving my last quarter of school.  However, buying a house in Omaha closer to my fiancé's current job and my future district has also been time-consuming.  It's pretty unbelievable how competitive it is around here to buy a house....  We've put in two offers so far and failed because we've been up against 3-4 other couples who are able to offer more.  It blows, and maybe right now is just not the time...  I guess only time will tell...

Anyway, spring at my current school has been hard.  The lack of motivation and behavior in the students is getting worse and morale gets lower and lower in teachers. Only six more weeks in the school year and then teachers are FREE!

The photo opportunities have been limited over the past couple months, but below I have a few pics taken this spring.

Delphinium that I have potted and placed on my porch.  My attempt at trying to raise flowers and keep them alive....

April sunset over west Omaha...

April sunset and flowering trees that can be found everywhere in the city.

The trails around Standing Bear Lake. 

The Platte River back in early March when I was home in Grand Island for the week.  

Cranes making the flight from the river to the cornfields to feed early in the morning.

More cranes flying past the sunrise.

Goofy duck showing off at Stuhr Museum.

Torturing my dog...

The first bluebird I've ever seen in the wild.  Unfortunately, I couldn't get it to turn around for a better picture.

Teepee poles leaning against a tree for winter at Stuhr Museum.