Saturday, February 20, 2016

February 20, 2016


It's been over a month since my last post, which is mostly due to extreme busyness at the start of the semester.  Since I last wrote, classes in the new semester got rolling again, I applied for tons of jobs, interviewed for a job, GOT a job, and now my fiancé and I are looking for houses.

I won't be specific enough to say which school I currently work for or which one I am going to, but I will say that it's just been a very rough year at a school that isn't a good fit.  My personality is too nice, relaxed, and conflict-hating to work at a school with a plethora of discipline problems.  The first year of teaching is difficult no matter where you start your career, but this is an exceptionally hard school.  I was so overwhelmingly relieved to get in with district and school that I KNOW will be a little more relaxing on the discipline front.  Teenagers will be teenagers, but there is limit to what's acceptable.

Anyway, I had planned on leaving my current school job or no job, but it's really nice that I was able to get things out of the way so early in the hiring season.  Now that my contract is signed, my fiancé and I can start to figure out where we're going to live after we get married.  Geographically, we now have a goal and are even going to an open house tomorrow.

In terms of weather, there have been wild ups and downs since I last wrote.  It was a very cold and snowy January, and early February brought snow and a couple of snow days.  However, there has been a slow warm-up and I even went for a walk in athletic shorts yesterday.  It's been 70 degrees or a temperature close to it several days in a row.  All the snow is gone and everyone is starting to catch the spring bug...  It's just too bad that there is one full week of school and a half week+conferences left before Spring Break...

Well, I don't have much in the way of photos.  Between the cold and having so much to do, I haven't had much of a chance to get out and take pics.  The best I can do are a couple photos from a Valentine's Day trip to the zoo.