Sunday, January 10, 2016

Welcome to 2016!

We've now entered the sixth year of this little blog.  This post is coming from mid-January, though it contains pictures from the beginning of the new year.

As Christmas break (sadly) drew to a close, my fiancé and I went to downtown Omaha to watch the family fireworks show.  It was incredibly cold, and we rushed back to our car only to have a crazy long wait to escape.  However, I did get a few cool pictures out of the deal, as shown below.

The following day, I made the trek to Lincoln to see a friend. It was the first time back in Lincoln since about July, so it was interesting driving by my old stomping grounds. I must admit, that sometimes I really miss living in Lincoln...  I spent six years of my life there, so on many levels it still feels much more like home than the Omaha area.

Anyway, following lunch, I continued on to Grand Island to see my family for a bit before attending my sixth and final Christmas celebration of the season at my grandparents' farm near Wood River.  It was relatively mild weather, so I went outside to try to snap a few shots.  Here are a few that I kept and edited.

Since taking these shots, life has been rather busy....  School started up again, which mean exhaustion has been commonplace.  The past couple days have been insanely cold (only 5 or so degrees as a high, with subzero windchills), so all I've done is hide out in my fiancés apartment and take unnecessarily long naps.... I think the cold will break tomorrow, but winter is nowhere near over yet....