Well, posting has been quiet over the past month. I've been so incredibly busy and stressed during student teaching that I haven't had much opportunity to get outside for photographs. Truthfully, there really haven't been many good photo opportunities. For the better part of the last few weeks, it's been extremely cold. Fortunately, just in time for Spring Break, the weather warmed right up. The past few days have all been 55 or warmer (yesterday was in the 70's). Unfortunately, it's an awkward time of year. It's been warm, but it's not particularly pretty... If we could get an overnight rain one of these days, I think the entire ground would explode with green grass.
Anyway, I spent the first three days of break in Grand Island hanging out with my parents, grandparents, and dog. It was weird being home without my siblings there, but nice to get back to Central Nebraska for a change. I needed a scenery change for a few days. Now, I'm back in Lincoln, but will likely head off to Omaha in the next day or two to hang out with my boyfriend at the start of his Spring Break. I'm hoping for a few more photo opportunities (perhaps a pretty sunset?) before the end of break. It's a bummer to have all kinds of extra time, but nothing cool to capture.
Here's what I do have from the past couple weeks. Mostly just assorted Instagram photos.
Mediocre sunset a couple weeks ago. At least it was warmer. |
Cool trees and a a plane at sunset in my hometown. |
Prairie gnawing on a bone out in the yard. |