I'll be really honest, 27th Street has never been an area of town that I've found particularly pretty. Many of the neighborhoods along it are old and run down, and as you travel north, the only scenery is a combination of car repair places, restaurants, and Walmart. However, after traveling home after a quick Walmart run on the Snow Day this Monday, I noticed a fairly spectacular sunset. I was worried I wouldn't get back to the campus/downtown area before the colors disappeared, especially with dicey roads. However, as I was passing the bridge over the Salt Creek, I noticed a virtually untouched area of snow down on the banks and several hundred Canadian geese hunkering down for the night. I had taken my camera with me in anticipation of a good sunset, so I turned at Super Saver, threw my car in park, grabbed my camera, jumped a short barrier fence, and plowed through some snow to get ready. There was a pedestrian trail to walk down, so I started there and tried to get wide shots of the entire scene. My best effort in that regard is found below.

There were only a few birds in the air at a time, and I wasn't sure if I was going to get anything too spectacular. Instead I tried to go farther down the creek in hopes of getting a closer shot of geese (perhaps with the sunset in the background). Unfortunately, in doing that, I accidentally spooked a large number of geese. I guess 30 yards away was still too close. There was a horrible moment when I thought the entire flock was coming in my direction. However, once I figured out that they were not aggressive (geese can be mean, you know...) I started snapping as many pictures as I could. The bird-filled sky was considerably cooler...
I was really impressed with the view off 27th, so I guess it goes to show that any place can show natural beauty, even in the middle of a business district.