So, after spending all day yesterday and all night in the sweltering heat of my room, I woke up to find that...the room temperature had
risen overnight. It was 79 degrees when I went to bed, and it was 80 degrees when I woke up. I had a fan running and the window open all night, but it did nothing to cool off my room. I ended up sleeping on top of my bed rather than in it, and though I got some sleep, it wasn't comfortable. One of my coworkers was so desperate last night that she stole the big fan from restroom and took it to her room for the night. Everyone was dying from the heat, and I don't think anyone slept well.
To add to the misery, our showers produced scalding water. Heat seemed to be involved with everything in this building, so I ended up leaving for class about five minutes earlier than usual. I couldn't wait to sit in a math class for an hour and a half just so I could be in an air conditioned room. I encountered a coworker on my way there, and we decided that if the A/C wasn't fixed by the time we got back that we would call someone to complain. Much to our dismay, two hours later, we arrived at our dorm to find that the temperature had risen even more. My room was now 82 degrees and felt like a tropical rainforest. However, just as we called to find someone to whine to, we noticed that cool air had begun blowing from the vents. I've never been so happy about the A/C in my life.
The glorious moment that the A/C was fixed was around noon today, and since then the A/C has still not caught up completely. It is now 71 in my room, so there are still three degrees to go until it reaches my customary 68 degrees. I think my room will finally cool down just in time for bed. I think this process would have been a lot faster if it hadn't been extremely hot and humid today and if we didn't all live on the top two floors (heat rises, you know). I'm still incredibly grateful to whoever came around and fixed the A/C. I think my staff members and I would have had an uprising if we had to face another night in 80+ degree heat... Heads would have rolled.