What can I say? The weather remains unchanged.
The Lincoln Skyline Project (now known as the Nebraska Skyline Project) initially began back in 2010 when I was lucky enough to have a summer job in a building that faced downtown Lincoln. However, my days in the dorms ended in 2013, and I moved to Omaha in the summer 2015. Nevertheless, I chose to continue the project on a broader scale.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
June 29, 2010
Well, the weather has continued to be rather boring the past few days. It's clear and sunny every single day, and I'm actually starting to miss the storms...a little. Anyway, the second picture was what it looked like today. The first picture I felt like throwing in because it actually contained a some color. It's from around the time of sunset last night, and I thought the clouds added at least a little interest to the sky.
Monday, June 28, 2010
June 28, 2010
Today was a beautiful--slightly hot, but dry--day. No complaints here. Today was also the first day in a week that I actually felt alive. Every night for the past week or so, I've been averaging 3.5 hours of sleep, so it was awesome to have 10 consecutive hours of sleep (in my own bed!) last night. Now, I have hardly anything going on for the last week of June and first week of July, so I can "recharge" before it gets busy again. I don't know how some of my coworkers survived the past week. I was struggling, and my schedule wasn't half as bad as what some of them had to work.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
June 27, 2010
Today was my first glorious day off (almost). I had a fairly short shift in the morning, and I was free to hang out after that. It was humid in the morning (I think it may have rained overnight), and warmer--but dry--in the afternoon. Really a great day to finally relax a little and get caught up on a few simple things (laundry, for example). Anyway, I'm still a little sleep deprived, but I have a break for a few days, so I'll be caught up on sleep in no time.
June 26, 2010
Well, I dropped the ball today. I thought I took a picture in the morning, but it's not on my camera, so evidently I did not. I was extremely busy, though, and only spent a couple hours in my dorm room the entire day. I worked the entire day and had to spend the night on the job at another dorm, so the picture-taking thing just wasn't going to happen. Fortunately, it was not an interesting weather day. Just about 95 degrees and humid. I'm glad I got to stay in the A/C all day!
Friday, June 25, 2010
June 25, 2010
It's Friiiidaaaayyyy. A very hot (around 95) and windy day, but that was about it. The second picture is nothing spectacular. I awoke from my coma in the duty room long enough to snap a picture, but the view of Harper Dining Center really isn't anything fabulous. It would have been cool if I had been able to switch locations and taken pictures about five minutes earlier.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
June 24, 2010
Today was another glorious day of cooler temperatures and lower humidity. I think the humidity was at rock bottom levels (at least for the summer) at around 30 percent, and the temperature was about 83 at its highest. This was set up perfectly because my mom and brother decided to come into town. I was able to walk around campus and play tennis with them without the excruciatingly hot sun beating down on us.
It really was a great day. My work schedule has been hectic this past week, so a visit from family and nice weather were an enormous help. I think it's supposed to heat up again tomorrow, but I don't really care as long as the storms stay away for a while. When my mom looked at my car more closely, we noticed dents all over the car from that nasty hailstorm the other day. It sucks, but I expect that we'd get a good deal of money to fix it from our insurance company. At least my car will be spared further damage this summer now that I've purchased a garage permit. I'm regretting not buying a garage pass in the first place, but I can't turn back time, so there's really no sense in worrying about it.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
June 23, 2010
Today was awesome. Busy, yes, but the weather was fantastic. It only reached about 80 degrees today, and the humidity was significantly lower. There was even a nice breeze for the first time in days. It's really sad when 80 feels COOL.
Anyway, the first picture is from this afternoon, and the last two were snapshots from the building I'm working at overnight. I thought a new perspective might be interesting.
June 22, 2010
A hot, hot, hot, humid day. There were storms later in the evening, too, but nothing horrible severe. There was some nasty lightning that struck a few buildings on campus, but I don't believe any power actually went out. I couldn't get any pictures of thunderheads or storm clouds this time because I had a desk shift until midnight.
Monday, June 21, 2010
June 21, 2010
The first official day of Summer 2010 started off with a bang--literally. As you can see in picture 1, that is the cloud I saw moving in only about a half hour before I had to be at an early morning shift. I ended up waiting it out and being a little late because this storm was nasty. Extremely close, sharp lightning, pouring rain, and high winds were all present, and there is no way I was walking in that mess. A few of my brave coworkers actually walked out in the bad weather, but I was too chicken to do the same.
After the stormy start to the day, however, everything cleared off, and it turned into a sunny, hot day. It was very summer-ish... We may get more storms overnight, but I don't really care as long as I don't have to walk to work or class in any of them tomorrow morning. I feel like my car is safe now (I upgraded to a garage permit after that hailstorm yesterday), so I have some peace of mind.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
June 20, 2010

Well, it was a stormy day from start to finish. There was a brief period of time in the morning when I fit in a quick walk before my long, excruciatingly boring desk shift from noon to 6 p.m., but I woke up to thunder and rain (pic 1 is right as the sky was clearing this morning). I arrived back from my walk about 15 minutes before another storm (which resulted in Lancaster county being put in a Severe Thunderstorm Warning). I went to my desk shift, where I was on edge for the first three hours. The lightning was sharp and very close, and I really thought the power was going to go out. Then, tonight, it started up again. Torrential rain, wind, and--for the first time--really big hail. Immediately after the hailstorm passed, I put my car in a nearby garage. I think my car escaped damage (I couldn't see any) during the first storm, but I wasn't taking any chances. There's a huge wall of red coming towards us now. It'll be too dark to take any pictures, but I still plan on watching the action. I hope it doesn't get TOO nasty around here.
June 19, 2010
In case you didn't notice, I do have a ton of photos for this particular day. But I'm bored and lonely at a desk shift, so this is just how it's going to be. June 19 was an interesting weather day. I woke up early to clear, sunny sky, snapped a picture, and went back to bed. When I got up the second time, I discovered that a big line of storms and rain was just missing Lincoln to the south. The sky behind the Capitol Building was completely blue, and there was a good deal of lightning going on. Later in the afternoon, it cleared off again, and was exactly the same as it had been in the morning. There were actually some storms and cool-looking clouds again in the evening, but I was working and therefore unable to take any pictures.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
June 18, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
June 17, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
June 16, 2010
I woke up to clear sky and warm weather. The morning was really nice and uneventful (but already hot), so after class I decided to take a walk around campus and downtown Lincoln. Around the time I reached the Capitol Building I noticed that the clouds to the south were looking just a little sketchy. They were quite blue and the white clouds on top looked suspiciously like thunderheads. At that point I began heading back towards campus, and noticed with a little concern that the dark clouds were following me. By the time I returned to my dorm, black clouds were hovering over campus. I imagine I could have gotten some cool pictures of this storm coming in if I had been in my room the entire time.
This storm wouldn't have concerned me too much, except my 45+ coworkers and I had to be at a meeting across campus in 15 minutes. I could see that there was rain in this storm (see pic 2), and on radar there was a teeny dot of red passing through Lincoln. About two minutes after I took the second picture, the downpour began and downtown disappeared. At that point I went down to the lounge to see what my coworkers were planning to do. A bunch of us ended up carpooling, but we still got soaked running out to the parking lot. The coolest (and strangest) thing about the storm was that it turned into a sun shower. The sky above us was perfectly clear and blue, but somehow it was still pouring...
The fourth pic was taken two hours later after my staff meeting, but it is an accurate representation of what the skyline looked like only two minutes after the torrential rain. Nebraska weather is so crazy.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
June 14, 2010
When I went to bed immediately after my late desk shift after midnight, it was storming and pouring outside. I don't think there are many people who would still make the "I love storms" argument after all the rain we've been getting recently. I like storms during the evening and night, but I don't appreciate it when the entire state is already in a flash flood watch or warning. I was pleased to see this morning that the rain had (mercifully) stopped. Things started to clear up as the morning progressed, but a few dark, worrisome clouds stuck around (see pic 2). Fortunately, they were not rain clouds, and the humidity dropped as the day continued. The afternoon was sunny, pleasant, and relatively cool. I hope this means we're done with the rain for at least a few days. Nebraska needs time to dry off...
Sunday, June 13, 2010
June 13, 2010
Today, when I glanced out the window, I saw nothing but damp sidewalks, mist, and gray sky. Just what I like to see in the morning... The first half of the day it was pretty crappy outside. It was cool, wet, humid, and radar made it seem as if we could be in for hours of rain. As it turned out, however, around 2 p.m. the sun began to break through the clouds and pieces of blue sky were visible (though it was still incredibly hazy). Within the next hour, most of the clouds had cleared out and it was all sunshine and blue sky. It was still humid, but it was definitely an improvement.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
June 12, 2010
So...last night was rather stormy. Incredibly sharp lighting and deafening thunder woke me up at about 3 a.m., but I'm not sure that Lincoln actually got much rain. It was still raining a little when I first woke up around 8 a.m., but by 10 a.m. the sun was peeking out and everything was drying off. The rest of the morning and early afternoon was quite nice, with low (well, low compared to the past couple days) humidity and pretty sunshine. It started to cloud over later in the afternoon, and it just generally looked gloomy outside. There was a huge chance of rain all day, but so far we haven't seen a drop of that in Lincoln...
Also, during a telephone conversation with my mother, she mentioned that this is turning into a hair day blog as much as a weather/photography blog. I wanted to address that because--for me--weather and hair are very closely tied together. This is pathetic, but the first thing I do in the morning is check the dew point to help me decide how I'm going to do my hair that day. Why? Because my hair reacts very poorly to humidity. 70% or higher, and it's all poof and frizz...
Friday, June 11, 2010
June 11, 2010
Today was also hot and humid, but fortunately the heat was more of a problem than the humidity. The heat was wicked, but at least I didn't feel coated in some nasty substance whenever I walked outside. It was a sunny day, but not exactly beautiful. The high dew point caused the sky to be hazy and not a pure blue. According to the forecast, there are more thunderstorms on the way during the next couple days. I don't mind storms, but I'm not a fan of the the hair-destroying, miserable, heavy air that comes with them.
The last couple pictures were taken from the window facing the northwest. They were kind of cool, so I thought, "Why not?"
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